Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Healthy Lifestyle online eLibrary for learning and participating from anywhere anytime

Here are important links that may be of interest to you.

Connect with me on social media as follows. Participate in the mission to educate people about healthy lifestyle.

Your feedback will be appreciated!

  1. Please find here my presentation about meditation. Feel free to download from Slideshare. Free!  Meditation explained scientifically - Preksha Dhyan:  https://www.slideshare.net/jzaveri/meditation-explained-scientifically-preksha-dhyan
  2. Facebook Page:  Jyotindra Zaveri Page  https://www.facebook.com/JyotindraZaveri
  3. Join and participate Facebook Group Science and Philosophy  https://www.facebook.com/groups/dhyan/
  4. Join and participate on Facebook Health and Lifestyle Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/HealthAfterForty/
  5. Pinterest site Follow Pins  https://in.pinterest.com/jzaveri/science-and-philosophy-pins-digital-vashishta/
  6. My video lectures playlist [embeded below] on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnNHe9ScRwOJN8fFil8ietXyoZbcWzZzf
  7. Follow me on Twitter - Informal Tweets  https://twitter.com/JyotindraZaveri
  8. Read and subscribe my daily newspaper: Lifestyle and Health News.  Headlines from around the world about Healthy Lifestyle, Vegetarian diet, Meditation, and Yoga.  http://lifestylenews.jyotiweb.com/
  9. Blog http://lifestyleblog.jyoti.guru/ (this site).

​Call me after you have browse thru above sites for a walk-thru. 

Jyotindra Zaveri.
​ ​
Mobile +91 9552946949.