Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Published on YouTube: Scientific Meditation Bumble Bee Pranayam Bhramari Pranayam

Scientific Meditation Bumble Bee Pranayam Bhramari Pranayam

Instructions to Practice Bumble Bee Pranayam (Bhramari Pranayam) 

1. Preparation: - Sit comfortably in a quiet place. - Close your eyes softly. 
2. Chanting the OM Mantra: - Start your meditation by chanting the powerful OM Mantra in the sound of a bumble bee. 
3. Method: - Inhale: Take a deep breath through your nose. - Exhale: While exhaling, pronounce the sounds "Aaa Raaa Haaa" followed by a long "Mmmmmmmmmm." - 

4. Repetition: - Repeat this process seven times. 
5. Focus: - As you practice, focus on feeling the vibration on top of your head. 
6. Next Steps: - After completing Bhramari Pranayam, proceed to the next step, relaxation (Kayotsarg) and other meditation steps, as explained in detail in this video

Enjoy your meditation practice and feel the calming vibrations! 

Learn Therapeutic Thinking, the Anupreksha Dhyan, and the Scientific Meditation method from Jyotindra Zaveri WhatsApp +91 9552946949.

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Scientific Meditation Jyotindra Zaveri - Jyoti

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