Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Published on YouTube: Mainframe to Scientific Meditation Jyotindra Zaveri inspiring accomplishment

Mainframe to Scientific Meditation Jyotindra Zaveri inspiring accomplishment
Jyotindra Zaveri's Introduction Mainframe to Meditation! Tech Guru, Marketing Maven, Meditation Master: Meet Jyotindra Zaveri. Can one person truly accomplish so much? Specialisation: (1) Scientific Meditation, (2) Human Library for Senior Citizens, (3) Social Media, (4) ERP Software and Software Development, (5) Personal Computer Hardware, (6) IBM Mainframe Engineer. Let us celebrate a truly inspiring personality who has excelled in multiple fields. Meet Jyotindra Zaveri, a man whose journey spans the tech world to the profound art of scientific meditation. Twenty-three years of experience in teaching meditation. Based on the ancient Jain technique known as Preksha Dhyan. Treated hundreds of patients in the USA, UAE and India since 2001. Meditation-related links https://ift.tt/8zCUZpI Jyotindra proves that it's not just possible—it's inspiring. Here are the six feathers in his cap: 1. IBM Mainframe Specialist: In 1975, in Germany, Jyotindra mastered IBM mainframe computers, cementing his expertise in tech. 2. Data Processing Pioneer: In 1980, he expanded into software development and became a data processing expert in Pune. 3. PC Assembler: In 1990, Jyotindra ventured into the booming personal computer market, assembling and selling IBM-compatible PCs. 4. ERP Software Specialist: In 2001, he revolutionized business operations by becoming a leading expert in ERP software. 5. Social Media Marketing Guru: In 2011, Jyotindra used his digital marketing expertise to help businesses thrive online. 6. Scientific Meditation Master: Since 2001, Jyotindra has championed meditation over medication, transforming lives through the ancient proven technique of Preksha Dhyan. From mainframes to mindfulness, Jyotindra’s journey is a testament to adaptability, lifelong learning, and boundless inspiration. 'Re-fired, not retired,' he pushes boundaries and encourages others to embrace their potential. #TechGuru #MarketingMaven #MeditationMaster #InspiringJourney #LifelongLearning #ibm #ibmmainframe #erpbookauthor #jyotindrazaveri #ScientificMeditation #yoga #mindfulness #PrekshaMeditation #TherapeuticThinking #youcanhealyourself #PrekshaDhyan #ScienceofLiving #MeditationScience #Howtodomeditationathome
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9GcJnvMUbQ Scientific Meditation Jyotindra Zaveri - Jyoti

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