Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Human Library Companionship for Senior Citizens

👵HUMAN LIBRARY Companionship for Senior Citizens👵

🗣 In today's fast-paced world, one silent challenge that often goes unnoticed is the 

loneliness experienced by our senior citizens

Human Library Companionship for Senior Citizens

With families becoming more nuclear and the younger generation's commitments stretching thin, many seniors crave companionship, meaningful conversation, and a sense of belonging. 

Recognising this profound need, our initiative emerges as a compassionate and innovative solution to bridge this gap.

🪑The Need: 

  •  With their treasure trove of experiences, wisdom, and stories, senior citizens often find themselves in the twilight of their lives, yearning for interaction and a sympathetic ear. This isolation not only affects their mental health but can lead to a decline in their physical well-being, too. Social interaction is not just a mere activity; it's a therapy, a vital component of their daily lives that rejuvenates their spirits, fosters emotional health and enhances their quality of life.


  • Human Library is designed to bring warmth, companionship, and enriching conversation to the doorsteps of those who need it most. Drawing on the library concept, where books are borrowed and shared, our project enables volunteers to visit lonely people for friendly, heart-to-heart chats. Whether reminiscing, discussing current events, or sharing wisdom, these sessions provide company and a meaningful exchange of experiences and perspectives.

📚 Lonely person can 'borrow' a person instead of a book to talk about your story for about an hour or more!

This service can be in-person or online!

For whom? 

  1. This is for people, especially senior citizens, who feel lonely (the main beneficiary).
  2. This is for volunteers who want to offer their time to keep senior citizens company (and earn). 
  3. Son or daughter living outside India can use this service for their parents in India.
  4. For kind-hearted people who want to support this initiative, such as HR professionals, legal experts, trainers, and NGOs.

Personalised Profesional Visits: 

  • Our service will facilitate volunteers' visits to your home, ensuring a personalised and engaging experience. Each visit aims to be more than just a chat. 


WHERE to meet?

Our volunteers can meet 

  1. A small group of senior citizens in your society's common room, 
  2. In a Senior citizen’s house, or 
  3. Online on Zoom. 

Safety and Trust:

  • Ensuring the safety and comfort of both parties is paramount. Our service includes thorough vetting processes and guidelines to foster trust and peace of mind.


📖 "Human Library" is more than just a service; it's a movement towards creating a more inclusive, connected, and compassionate society!

🆘 Please submit this Google FORM if you are interested in

  • Volunteer to offer your services to chat
  • Avail service of a volunteer for a chat (Age above 60)
  • Active participation in the venture: Become a partner

Google Form https://bit.ly/HumanLibraryFORM

Please share this with people you think will benefit. 

Download this Document in Hindi, Marathi or English https://bit.ly/HumanLibraryFolder 

Discover more about Jyotindra https://linktr.ee/jyotindrazaveri

Let's turn the pages of life's book together and discover the stories that connect us all!

#HumanLibrary #SeniorCitizens #Companionship #InclusiveSociety #MentalWellbeing #VolunteerService #ElderCare #CommunitySupport #MeaningfulConnections #CompassionateSociety #jyotindrazaveri #ScientificMeditation ##MentalHealth #HealthcareProfessionals #MedicalDoctors #alternativetherapy

Blogpost post by Jyotindra Zaveri, Scientific Meditation Trainer.

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