Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Leg Pain? Swimming pool walk for spine treatment for leg pain

Swimming pool walk for spine treatment for leg pain

  1. Walk in a Swimming pool. 
  2. Look over your shoulders. 

Twist your Spine. If the spine problem is detected after the MRI scan, do the following two exercises. 

For more details, WhatsApp Jyotindra at +91 9552946949.

Transform Pain into Empowerment:

1. Walk in a Swimming pool. You need not swim. Start with twenty minutes, gradually increasing to forty minutes every day.

2. Twist Spine. Look over your shoulders. These twists create more space between the vertebrae, which increases blood flow to the spine. Daily for two minutes, left and right, move gently. 

Also good for preventing and becoming stress-free!

Chronic leg pain can be caused by nerves displaced or compressed in the spine and backbone.  
Spinal nerve compression can lead to chronic leg pain.  
Remedy: Better alternative therapy :)
OR go for surgery :(

Scientific meditation includes meditation methods and physical exercises. 

Many people suffering from leg pain put themselves on bed rest or lean back in an easy chair, thinking that this will help them to heal. It doesn't! It's okay to rest for the first couple of days after the pain starts; after that, staying in bed usually makes things worse, not better. Moving helps with pain treatment in several ways.

I prescribe meditation, not medication. 
Learn Therapeutic Thinking and the scientific meditation method from Jyotindra.

Also, watch staircase exercises    
• Anti-gravity exercise - recommended 

Meditation-related links  

Read that physical therapy and back surgery are equally effective. The study shows

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No content on my blog, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Scientific Meditation Jyotindra Zaveri - Jyoti

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